Yellow Star
Yellow Star

most beautiful girl names

Yellow Star
Yellow Star


"Aria" means "air" or "song" in Italian, and as a name, it conveys a sense of musicality and elegance.

Yellow Star
Yellow Star
Yellow Star
Yellow Star


"Luna" means "moon" in Spanish and Italian, evoking a sense of celestial beauty and mystery.


"Esme" means "beloved" or "esteemed" in Old French, adding a touch of warmth and affection to the name.

Yellow Star
Yellow Star


"Kaiya" is often interpreted as a variation of the name "Kaya" and can mean "restful place" or "forgiveness".

Yellow Star
Yellow Star


"Amara" means "eternal" or "unfading" in several languages, conveying a sense of timeless beauty and lasting strength.

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

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