Ways To Bond With Your Baby as a New Mom:
Why am I not bonding with my baby? This is the question asked by several moms. When a new mom does not feel connected with her baby, she feels stressed.
Do you miss the bonding between you and your newborn baby? The reasons could be many for this missing bonding.
Many new moms do not feel the attachment for their child for the first few weeks of delivering the baby. But you do not need to panic or get stressed if you don’t feel the real bonding between you and your newborn baby.
It’s never too late to create the bond in fact it’s never too early too. I had started connecting with my baby as soon as I had got the confirmation of pregnancy. And I feel that is the best thing I have done for my baby.
Some people really believe in talking and bonding with the baby in the tummy. Many moms claim that it definitely works like wonders as the baby may recognize your voice too quickly.
Interacting with your baby is not that hard. Regular interaction will help you create a bond between you and your little one.
Why am I not bonding with my baby?
Is it normal to not feel attached to your baby? It is very normal when you are going through postpartum depression . Or sometimes it may happen due to the physical and emotional changes you are going through. Reasons could be many including the physical stress you have been through during your pregnancy and labor.
Most of the time this situation is temporary and may last for a few hours or days. But when it takes too long to feel the attachment for your baby, you should take a help of a specialist.
Here Are 15 Beautiful Ways To Bond With Your Baby As a New Mom
1. Talk A Lot With Your Infant
Many moms claim that they could easily create a bonding by talking a lot with their infant just after giving birth. You could even start interacting with the baby even before she is born.
Garbhsanskaar is an Indian holistic pregnancy practice that believes, “A baby may learn a lot of things while growing inside the womb.” So keep telling a lot of positive things to your unborn baby. And she may even recognize your voice too quickly.
When you keep talking to your little one, the baby learns to interact with gestures and baby sounds. Hence, talking to your baby is the first step towards creating that lovely bonding between you two.
2. Sing To Your Baby
Singing soothing songs and lullabies would be the best way to bond with your newborn. You can make your own lullabies and can record them too. It will be one of the most beautiful ways to bond with your baby.
3. Breastfeed Your Baby
Breastfeeding is the best way to bond with your newborn. It is always recommended to have eye contact with your baby while you nurse her. Breastfeeding helps in the overall development of the baby. It does not just give her the essential nutrients to grow well, but also improves the emotional health.
Keep the breastfeeding as your special time to bond with your little one. Do not just breastfeed hurriedly. It’s better to spend those few moments in a calm environment while talking to your baby while having eye contact.
Even if you decide to bottlefeed your child, make sure to have constant eye contact. This will help the baby to remember who is around her all the time.
4. Keep Your Gadgets Away
While having that special WE time with your baby, give 100% attention to her. Keep all your gadgets away. Phones, laptops, and TV are major distractions. Always keep them at a bay to have exclusive time with the baby.
5. Take Naps With Your Baby
Yes, this is an old-school rule to sleep whenever the baby sleeps. Because you need to stay awake when she is awake. You need rest too mama. A relaxed mom is always a happier one. And only happy moms can raise happy babies.
So, your happiness is important for your baby too. You can’t bond with your child when you are stressed and depressed.
6. Massage Your Baby
There are several benefits of baby massage. Along with physical health, massage helps you develop a bond with your child.
7. Stay Away From Phone
While you are dedicating your time for your baby, keep all the distractions at a distance. The phone is the biggest distraction for the parents. Hence, keeping that away from you and your baby will add up some beautiful bonding time between you and your baby.
8. Respond To The Babbles
Your little one might start babbling soon. Do not ignore the baby’s language and keep responding to her babbles and cooings. Babies have their unique way of conveying their feelings and emotions, give her that understanding zone and let her be expressive a little more through her baby Sign language.
9. Maintain A Happy Environment
Making a happy environment for the baby is really very important for her emotional development. Lit happiness all around the baby and keep her away from all kinds of stress.
10. Skin-to-skin
A newborn feels warm and comfortable when she feels her mom’s touch. Going more and more on skin-to-skin contact, it will help you nourish the bonding between you and your child. She will always feel comfortable with your touch.
11. Don’t Ignore Baby’s Cries
Baby needs you in happy times and during painful times too. Even when the baby is crying, keep responding, and calming the baby rather than leaving her to cry.
This will let the baby know that you are always there for all the emotional situations of hers.
12. Do Not Stress Over The Milestones
Every pregnancy is different from each other and the same way each baby is different altogether.
Do not compare your child’s development with others’. Do not stress over a lot over the milestones of the baby unless it is extremely alarming.
Enjoy the phase of a new life of a mom than stressing over the baby milestones every time.
13. Dance With Your Baby To Bond With Your Baby
Do you love dancing? It is a very good time to show some funny moves to your little one and make her laugh. Even if you are not a great dancer, your baby is definitely going to love all your dance moves. Dancing with your little munchkin is one of the best Ways To Bond With Your Baby.
Play some fun music and enjoy the dance sessions with your little dancer (she will happily move her feet even while lying on the bed). Try to make most out of this phase and create amazing memories.
15. Create Memories Of Baby’s First Year
The first few years of the baby are really amazing and exciting for every new mom and dad. Make sure to capture all these memories. Creating a journal of baby’s first-year adventures is a great idea to relish the new phase of life as parents.
These are some of the most Beautiful Ways To Bond With Your Baby. I am sure every mom out there has her own unique ideas to make this journey a memorable one. Let me know if I can add it to the list.
Here are some of the most beautiful journals for baby’s first-year memories
ThisLittleLoveCo Baby Journal
Personalized 1st Year Baby Memory
CatchThisMoment First Year Baby Memory Book
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I miss those days!!
These are great ideas! Reminded me of the time when my toddler was a baby.
These are great tips. I miss having a baby.
My best wishes to you to have a little bundle of joy.
I did a whole lot of swaying and dancing to soft music. It worked like a charm to settle him down. Great tips!
Aww this is a sweet list! I definitely love dancing and naturally did that with my baby in the early months. I think it also helps with developing rhythm and that strong bond with your baby. Beautiful!
I found it a bit hard in the beginning but then it got easier! thanks for sharing 🙂
You are right! It’s never too late. It took a few months for me to really bond with my son. Great tips, thank you for sharing!
I am reading this post and it just makes me want to have a baby. Oh how I miss that baby stage. This is all great advice!
Bonding with our children is one of the best things we can do for them. These tips are great and will help because not everyone who wants to bond knows how.